
CVS Caregiver Access feature in the CVS app

CVS Caregiver Access feature in the CVS app

Goals, Roles & Resposibilities


  • Enroll users into the caregiving program, encouraging higher engagement in the app for refilling and picking up prescriptions for the entire family

  • Make the experience evoke the feeling of caring and inclusivity 

Roles & Resposibilities

  • Lead UX designer - Wires, visuals and assets for production

  • Supported user research - Engaged in moderated testing

  • UI Design - Designed with use of UI kit 

What This feature does

The CVS Caregiver feature allows for prescription access for a person to care for their loved ones. The feature allows for:

  • Manage prescriptions for others 

  • Refill or pickup others prescriptions 

  • See who is managing your prescriptions

  • Change permissions for managing access at any time

  • Prescription access and updated notifications for easy refills


  • Allow a user to request access - adult to adult request

  • Allow a user to request access - adult to minor request

  • Allow the Caregivee (adult who’s prescriptions will be managed) to accept or reject the request


Maria’s story

Maria lives with her partner Charlie and have been together for over 5 years. Unfortunately Charlie has become ill and is not able to pickup his medications.

Maria would like to help her partner but is worried that since they are not married the pharmacy would not allow for her to pick up Charlie’s medications.

Maria needs a way to access Charlie’s medications…

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What if…

A person like Maria could request access to another person’s prescriptions like Charlie. Charlie would need to approve the request through CVS pharmacy app. Once approved Maria could go to the app and see all of Charlie’s prescriptions. She could see which ones were his and refill them for Charlie.

Part of a flow for requesting access for an adult

Part of a flow for requesting access for an adult

Part of a flow for requesting access for a minor

Part of a flow for requesting access for a minor

Qualitative testing & learnings


  • All testers were interested in the concept

  • Legal guardians enjoyed that they would see their children’s prescription

  • They were interested in using the scan pill bottle feature rather than filling in a form 


  • Testers thought the process was too easy to get a child's prescriptions

  • Customers were looking for reassurance that CVS was taking proper measures to ensure safety

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Finding the right approach

Some earlier version moving from wireframes to visual design.

Onboarding screen

Onboarding screen

Communication messaging and pending request

Communication messaging and pending request


Covering Multiple cargivees

How the caregiver feature handles multiple cargivees and caregivers

Input usage and error handling

Input usage and error handling

How success was Measured


  • The first iteration resulted in less than 1% activation (not statistically significant)

  • On the second iteration after further learnings an additional FAQ page with a direct link to take action was added to help educate users

Adoption rate

  • 5% over the next quarter 

  • Overall increase in refills 

  • Overall increase in engagement with prescription pickup

Today the program has Almost 1 million
caregiver and caregivee relationships